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The role of friends in the social mobility and integration of Roma students

In our study, we present the role of friendly relationships in school mobility based on our study among Roma students. Roma students are under-represented in higher education, face a number of challenges in the academic environment, but it is well known that friendships provide an indispensable resource for university integration. The subject of our study is how friendships, which play an increasingly important role in modern societies, are formed in the case of Roma university students. The analysis shows that the circle of friends of the respondents was not primarily organized on the basis of ethnicity, but on the basis of educational attainment. The characteristics of close friends of Roma students are similar to the networking characteristics of non-Roma students, but a lower proportion of first-generation students have friends with a high level of education.

Komolafe Cinderella, Lukács J. Ágnes, Szabó Tünde, Pethesné Dávid Beáta (2022) A barátok szerepe a roma egyetemisták társadalmi mobilitásában és beilleszkedésében. Máltai Tanulmányok. 4. évf. 2. szám, 69-81. oldal

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