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The future perspective of the Roma university students

Based on the research among the Roma colleges for advanced studies students (2011–2016), our paper examines what factors are influencing the future perspectives and the school motivations of the first-in-family Roma university students. Will their ethnic identity be thematic in the future? How do they imagine their future in terms of family-career balance, and what role are they planning to take for the inclusion of the Roma? Results show that those students who are resilient despite discrimination and relative deprivation, are able to set intrinsic goals. They consider their academic work as a tool and are able to keep their school motivation, which is the pawn of their social mobility. Among the future goals and perspectives of the students, work, successful career path (self-improvement, career), and family take first place. Above all, they would like to succeed as professionals and become an exemplary.

Szabó Tünde, Lukács J. Ágnes, Komolafe Cinderella, Pethesné Dávid Beáta (2022) “Nekem hát csak ez az egy kis szűk út van, és azt hogy adhatnám már fel? Sehogy.” Roma egyetemisták jövőképe. Máltai Tanulmányok. 4. évfolyam 2. szám. 82-96.

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