
African father and Hungarian mother – results of a 2015 study

The number of Africans living in Hungary has increased significantly in recent decades. Some of these immigrants stay in the country only temporarily and then leave for other EU Member States. Others have children with Hungarian partners, so the number of citizens of mixed African-Hungarian origin is also steadily increasing in Hungary. The present research will focus on children of parents of different racial backgrounds, specifically offspring born of African-Hungarian relationships. They are sometimes referred to, according to some wrongly, as second generation African immigrants. In our research, we asked African-Hungarian people about how they believe they are perceived by the majority society and how they define their own identity. We also look at the degree of identification with Hungarian and African culture, the identity of individuals and attitudes towards partner choice.

Available in Hungarian: Pári András, Komolafe Cinderella (2017) Afrikai apa és magyar anya – egy 2015-ös félvér kutatás eredményei, Kapocs 16. évf. 4. sz.. 17-26.

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